Quantum Healing: Using Sacred Geometry to Heal With Sheetal Rajan

Written by Shereen Campbell


Posted on January 19 2022



Today, we have the honor to sit down with Sheetal Rajan to discuss sacred geometry, quantum healing, and the connection between science and spirituality. Sheetal walks us through the journey of how she came to the knowledge of sacred geometry and the design of the universe. 

Sheetal starts by sharing her journey from being born in the United States to being raised in the Middle East by her Christian mother and Hindu father. She was raised mainly Hindu with her father’s family while still exploring the differences of her mother. While growing up in the Middle East, she also became knowledgeable about the Islamic faith.

All of Sheetal’s explorations from her childhood to her own journey and considerations of atheism all built up to a literal mountain top in Nepal, where she experienced her first download of knowledge following a reiki healing. After reassuring herself of her sanity, she began to explore this knowledge that she gained, research the different methods, and build her soul family. 

With her studies overlapping into spirituality, science, and psychology, Sheetal has developed a knowledge base that has supported her download from that special day. Her fascinating seven-year journey has led to a vast accumulation of knowledge and an amazing practice that has led to her own healing as well as the healing of others. 

What you'll learn:

  • Define sacred geometry.
  • What does it mean to reconnect to your higher self?
  • How did Sheetal come to develop her own beliefs?
  • Who are those that become your soul family?
  • Explain the flower of life and the sound of life.


Follow Sheetal Rajan on Instagram 

Learn more on Sheetal’s website 


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