Aquarius Season Starts on January 20

Written by Sorana Cancel


Posted on January 16 2023

The Sun in Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

After moving through buttoned-up Capricorn, the Sun enters free-spirited Aquarius on the 20th, inviting us to step beyond convention and focus on our vision for a different future. Every year, Aquarius season supports us to connect with like-minded people and invest in the hobbies, projects, and ideals that we’re passionate about. Beyond “How is it done?”, we’re now invited to ask ourselves “How can I do it my way?”. This month, standing out from the crowd shouldn’t be a problem!

The world, redesigned

Aquarians are the oddballs, the innovators, and the geniuses of our society: they’re the ones who aren’t afraid to question the way things have always been, ask uncomfortable questions, and come up with solutions that no one else has thought of before. Because they know how it feels to be judged and labeled as “weird” or “crazy”, they’re open-minded humanitarians who are ready to lend a hand to those in need.  Even though they define themselves in contrast with the crowd, they secretly long for a group of people who understand and accept them as they are.

Whether or not you have planets in Aquarius, this sign can be found on a house cusp in every birth chart, energizing us to be authentic, innovative, and experimental in that particular life area. This Aquarius season, how can you connect with the forward-looking energy of this sign? How can you rewire your neural pathways to accommodate the new and the unexpected? 

Whether you’re taking a different route to work, switching up your morning routine, or going to events that you wouldn’t normally attend, you can maximize the benefits of this season by making your life less predictable: this increases your psychological flexibility, helps you adapt easily, and makes life more exciting and rewarding. 

The web of life

It’s no wonder that Aquarius rules electricity, technology, and the internet: this sign speaks about collaboration, connection, and instant delivery. Whether we’re talking about online communication or thinking of flashes of insight that reveal unexpected solutions, speed and connection are keywords for this highly adaptable air sign. 

Speaking of connection, Aquarius also rules groups and communities, reminding us that we stand stronger together than apart. Just as trees communicate through the fungal network, also known as the “Wood Wide Web”, we’re also energetically connected and we constantly influence each other’s fields. 

What information are you sending out and what are you open to receive? How do you make the most of this web of life that connects each and every one of us with the Universe as a whole? For some of us, Aquarius season could bring more meetings with friends, new connections, and interesting events. Others might join a cause or start a project together with like-minded people. No matter how you choose to navigate the following month, remember: you are never alone, and there is always support for those who seek it.

Aquarius season & you

If you’re an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, Aquarius season is a great time to socialize, make new friends, and work on your relationships. You can make the most of the following month by attending different events, collaborating with others, and staying open to new insights and perspectives.

For Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, Aquarius season brings a practical focus: if you’re an earth sign, the following month is great for starting a new project, switching up your routines, and thinking outside the box when it comes to your work and finances.

For Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, this following month is extra supportive: these witty air signs can feel comfortable with the whimsical, objective, and intellectual energy of Aquarius. For you, this timeframe is great for learning new things, socializing, exploring, and having fun! 

Finally, water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are going through a process of inner discovery and liberation while the Sun is in Aquarius. If you’re a water sign, you’ve got the chance to go within and find out more about your emotions, your needs, and your subconscious mind at this time. 

Our tip: no matter what sign you are, make the most of this Aquarius season by carrying a few Aquamarine Tumbled Stones with you this month. This crystal is the birthstone of Aquarius and it promotes clear thinking, intuition, and inner peace.

Here are a few key dates for this year’s Aquarius season:

January 24. This is a great day for taking a risk, starting a new project or relationship, attending a course, or going on a trip. When the quirky Aquarius Sun forms an easy aspect with freedom-loving Jupiter, we’ve got the green light to explore, color outside the lines, and take new leaps of faith. 

January 28. Today, the Aquarius Sun forms tense aspects with the Lunar Nodes of karma and destiny, highlighting karmic lessons and supporting us to notice if a present context activates an emotional pattern that takes us back to the past. How can you grow in awareness today? Stay mindful of the shadow traits of Aquarius: intellectual superiority, emotional detachment, and extreme attitudes. 

January 29. An easy aspect between the Sun and Mars, the planet of willpower and initiative, makes this a great day for being physically active, taking a risk you wouldn’t normally consider, or launching a new project. We’re supported to come up with dynamic solutions and put our ideas into practice at this time.

February 3. Expect the unexpected today: a tense aspect between the Aquarius Sun and Uranus, the planet of change and rebellion, can take us by surprise and challenge us to adapt to the unknown. We might feel more reactive than usual and more prone to taking impulsive action, so it’s a great idea to center ourselves and avoid stepping on each other’s toes. As long as we’re in tune with our inner GPS, we can make positive changes today.

February 16. Today is one of the most serious days of the year: when the Sun syncs up with no-nonsense Saturn, we’re more likely to feel under the weather and we might avoid taking new risks, but we’ve got a great chance to solidify what we’ve already started and build our resilience by overcoming obstacles. Long-term planning and cost-efficiency thinking can help us keep things real today. Many of us might enter hermit mode in mid-January: make sure you reach out to others if you need an extra dose of warmth and motivation today.



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